MA State P.A.I. Certification for Hot Work Safety


Massachusetts State certification course for Hot work permit authorizing individuals (PAI)



This 45 minute interactive learning module and quiz will enable the learner to become a certified “Permit Authorizing Individual” (P.A.I.) for Hot Work Safety in the state of Massachusetts.  The learner will review the regulation, roles, scope and exemptions of the Massachusetts 527 CMR 1, Chapter 41 “Welding, Cutting, and Other Hot Work” along with key information on O.S.H.A. regulation 29 CFR 1910.252 and N.F.P.A. standard 51B. The successful completion of this course is a requirement for most anyone who conducts welding or grinding of any type which also has the ability to ignite combustible material and cause death, injury, illness or property loss in the state of Massachusetts. Those required to take this training include the permit issuing person, the worker who is welding or grinding, and any number of people assigned to fire watch or monitor. The certificate of completion will contain a cutout certification card that can be laminated and kept by the P.A.I. while working as required.


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