This simple review of the 2nd Declaration of independence will give the viewer/learner enough information to clearly comprehend the intent and significance of this document. The viewer/learner can also select added content during the course which might them give them further background information or historical references to enable a more comprehensive viewpoint.  This simple module will take about one hour if all the interactivity is used. The material is free to all. Sadly, the struggle between corporate America and “organic America” is still relevant so we ask anyone using or learning here consider donating a small amount to help the producers of this material but this is not required to use the course.  Any help you can give is greatly appreciated, one patriotic American to another.  Simply click on the start button and your content will appear. If you are pulled away from the course you can restart or resume where you left off anytime and the material should be viewable by phone as well using swipe left or right commands.  Thanks for taking the time to learn about the new Restored Republic for the United States of America.