CHT Forms Training for new hires

This brief learning module is an overview and summary of some of the hardcopy forms you will need to use in order to process and document work. The training is an introduction on how to fill-in the documentation properly. This is only a simple introduction to what you will see on the shop floor. You…

CHT Practical Shop Floor Ergonomics

This half hour long course will train the new CHT employee to recognize the basic ergonomic hazards in the production heat treat area and how to control these hazards by performing lifts safely and setting up work stations properly.  All shop floor employees should have this training.

CHT-FAA Recurrent Training Review 5 year

This course / lesson is required to be taken every 5 years as a review of the overall FAA process that is implemented here at County Heat Treat to specifically receive, inspect, process, and return back to customer or other vendor the parts or materials which become part of a FAA regulated product. Course expiration…

The 2nd Declaration of Independence for America

This simple review of the 2nd Declaration of independence will give the viewer/learner enough information to clearly comprehend the intent and significance of this document. The viewer/learner can also select added content during the course which might them give them further background information or historical references to enable a more comprehensive viewpoint.  This simple module…

CHT- Facility Vendor or Contractor Safety Process

This course is a simple review of the process County Heat Treat uses to qualify and manage safety for outside companies who will come on site to do work in the facility. It involves understanding the purchasing process and also utilizing the one-page contractor safety checklist to communicate the safety needs and spot audit as…

CHT Forklift Personnel Platform Use

This course is designed for those employees who will use the forklift personnel platform including anyone who will be driving the forklift when the platform is being used. Both the forklift driver and the users of the platform are responsible for knowing this safety material before use and after any incident involving this platform. The…

CHT Powered Aerial Platform

This course is designed for those employees who will use the “Genie” powered aerial platform, it must be completed before use of this equipment is allowed. The course is about 15 minutes long and the certificate must be signed off to be considered completed. Retraining is only required in the event there is an incident…

CHT Scissor Lift (Mobile Elevated Work Platform) Training

This course consists of 3 lessons in order. Scissor lift training, Scissor lift Inspection, and Scissor lift Practical Evaluation. The quick quiz associated with this course is in the practical evaluation lesson. The training must be done once before the employee is approved to use the MEWP (scissor lift). The practical evaluations are done initially…

CHT Evacuation Leader Training

This training course is designed for those employees or supervisors who will be responsible for leading the evacuation efforts at County Heat Treat. The will perform as site evacuation leader or departmental evacuation leader. The course is required once before assuming these duties or if any evacuation plan changes significantly affect the material covered in…

CHT Sole (Lone) Worker / Operator Policy & Process

This one-time training is for those employees who will perform work on weekends or holidays alone. The training covers the sole or lone worker and the Designated Contact Person who will help ensure the safety of the worker. The  course is very short and need only be take once or if a significant change occurs.…