CHT Hoists, Rigging, Chains, Slings, Eyebolts & Magnets
This course will train the employee the basic safety skills and information in order to become an in-service trained hoisting person who will work under the state license that each supervisor or alternate will have. It is the first step of the State hoisting license class for those supervisors who are chosen to get a…
CHT Hoisting License – Class 3A for Supervisory leaders or Alternates
This course will fully prepare a trainee for the MA state hoisting license test which is required of each of our shift supervisors and an alternate supervisor. It consists of state regulation review, hoisting license application information and safety training and inspection for users of hoists and all related equipment.
CHT Respirator Medical Clearance
To document an approved medical clearance for respiratory protection which confirms a medical evaluation has been approved, with or without restrictions..
CHT Boom lift Attachments
CHT Human Factors Awareness
For all FAA repair station employees to help improve awareness of human error root causes and to understand corrective or preventative actions which may prevent or remedy them.
CHT Confined Space Entrant
CHT Respiratory Protection
This course is for all employees who will be welding stainless or galvanized steel or welding/cutting inside a confined space, repairing or replacing furnace linings, working in the walk in sandblaster, and the Ammonia Emergency Response team. Respiratory protection is required in these cases. A passing medical evaluation is a prerequisite requirement before this training.